Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Coffee Snobbiness

Like all beverages, coffee can be awful or wonderful. The Hampton Inn in Atlanta had some of the worst coffee I have ever experienced. Its like they went to a factory that already makes bad coffee and swept the floor to get their product. Add white sugar and powdered creamer, serve in a small styrofoam cup and let the torture begin. You would have to be in Antarctica for this coffee to have any benefit. (How good coffee tastes is inversely proportional to the temperature outside). Luckily, the new gps guidance systems in cars these days have searchable databases and I quickly found a Starbucks nearby. In a pinch, McDonald's coffee is actually drinkable when real coffee is unavailable. At home, I use French Roast purchased Sam's (surprisingly good) then add about 1/4 part Starbucks espresso. Freshly ground of course. A thermal carafe is essential, the heating plates on most coffee makers render the brew undrinkable in about 20 minutes. I use only natural, unrefined sugar. The molasses adds a smooth creamy sweetness the white stuff leaves out. When forced to use white sugar, its like going from bottled water to tap water...you can really taste the chemicals. Finally, top it off with some half and half or condensed milk. Milk is too thin and you have to add too much to get the effect, disrupting the chemistry. I will now pause for a sip of perfect coffee on a gray winter's morning...

My wife correctly points out how grumpy I get when my morning coffee isn't just right. What can I say? I'm a coffee snob.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I have deep respect and gratitude for Dr. King. He saved this country from a brewing race/civil war. We could have easily slipped into violent clashes, killings, and retaliations that spiral out of control. Bosnia, Rwanda, Palestine, etc. was where we were headed fast. Once that starts, things get out of hand quickly and sometimes never heal. Then along comes this man and changes the tone and direction of a nation. Thank God we listened and cooler heads prevailed. The NAACP leader called the entire city of Charlotte a "bastion of racism" for the schools having a snow make-up day on MLK day. (The schools had been out for five straight days.) They called for kids to stay out of school in protest. Jesse Jackson is coming here now. These men are so angry and bitter they don't even realize they are acting against the teachings of the man they claim to revere so much. He wanted us to come together as one, in peace. He wanted black kids to get quality educations, understanding that is the key to the chains they think bind them. He said hate cannot drive out hate, only love can. He said darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can. Spreading hate, divisiveness, and urging young black kids to stay out of school in MLK's name? Shame on you, NAACP. If Dr. King were here, he'd say it himself.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Thoughts from Vacation

Whether we go for 3 days or 8, the car is just as full. Shouldn't we have half the stuff for half the trip? Why do they cut off breakfast at 10am in these hotels? Didn't they think that some folks might want to sleep in? Especially new year's day? What's the rush...are they getting ready to serve lunch or something? The room sits empty all day. Are they so cheap they're hoarding bad coffee and stale danishes?

In this area of the country, any drive of length will be plagued by a car blocking the left lane sitting right next to another vehicle going the same speed, causing a huge backup of cars forced to go 64 in a 65 speed limit. This car is almost always driven by a woman from South Carolina. When this person finally gets over into the right lane, they invariably speed up 10mph. You get around this person, hit some open road and make some time, then the kids have to go to the bathroom. When you get back on the highway, you end up right behind her again. *sigh*

It was neat in Atlanta to see people setting off their new year's fireworks. Too bad that's illegal in North Carolina. And they call this "the land of the free". Oh well, I guess that they must take away that freedom because they're just petrified with fear that someone might get hurt. In the "home of the brave".  Real freedom must include the right to make bad decisions and mistakes. "Those that are willing to trade their freedom for security (safety) deserve neither".

Marne's family has a white elephant gift exchange new year's eve. Everyone brings a gift, good, bad or ugly and we all draw numbers. One can choose to open a gift, or steal one that has already been selected. Great fun and laughs every time, and a good use for those useless Christmas serving platters we all have 5 of already. A new trick is to take a useless or ugly gift and hide money in it. You give away that Santa cookie jar only to find out there was $20 taped under the lid! We ended up with Godiva chocolate and a cool stained glass lantern for our screen porch. A good haul for sure. I feel sorry for the guy who got stuck with the Rudolf entrance mat. Man, was that thing ugly!

My wife Marne, at the big gathering at her Grandparent's house, cooked a huge meal for about 20 people. It was awesome! The place smelled so good all day. It was so good it silenced the crowd...too busy eating to talk. Afterwards, she proceeded to clean up that entire mess until there was no sign that anything took place in the kitchen. She had no help. Oh wait, I helped her dry some dishes. (I would have been more help but I had a sinus headache from the front moving through). I was so very proud of her!

Its good to be home. Time to take down the tree. My 3 year daughter is distraught that we are going to take down our beautiful tree and throw it away. Its kinda become a family friend and it is sad.

Oh well, time to watch the Panthers lose their last game of the season and put all this stuff in the attic for next year.